The Lab

01 // On the surface

On the surface we might look like any other innovation practice. We design and facilitate innovation processes developing novel tech concepts. We create and coordinate research projects pioneering applications of emerging technologies. But it is our ‘how’ that set us apart. Together with our partners over at Near Future Laboratory, in California, who pioneered the method of Design Fiction, we strive to imagine harder and change the world for the better. 

VID // This is Tech Concept Lab
Tech Concept Lab Logo White
02 // The TCL work kit

The TCL work kit is for the innovators and speculators. Those who see and do things differently.

A collection of materials and tools based on our unique methodology, which can be applied straight out of the box.

03 // Inspirational videos

be inspired

VID // DesignFiction at AIGA 2022.
VID // Futurs Design
VID // Futures Design Thinking
VID // Normal Ordinary Everyday Near Future
04 // Latest projects


05 // Latest Articles


Julian bleecker

06 // The Cheif Methodologist

Julian Bleecker is our Chief Methodologist at Tech concept lab.

Julian is the originator of Design Fiction, the founder of Near Future Laboratory and the author of the Manual of Design Fiction. He has worked for companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Netflix, Nokia, Ikea and others. He is based in California.

07 // find us


Blekinge — Sweden


California — USA

Say hi!